Everything you need to know about Anemia !

Pradyumn Kanyadhara
Everything you need to know about Anemia ! Everything you need to know about Anemia !

“The more you love yourself,  the more you can love everyone around you”

W omen always take care of their families by cooking for them, taking care of them and working hard for them. But they never complain and never think about themselves. They take the least care about their health.

Whilst they are drowned with loads of work doing multiple tasks at a time, sometimes they feel weak and tired. Most of the women ignore these symptoms and become prey to a health condition which develops inside their body and drains them from inside. Women of all age groups from all walks of life go through one common problem which is Anemia also called Lack of Blood. It is a health condition with more than 10 million cases every year in India. This can be caused when women don't have enough healthy red blood cells or low hemoglobin and when they have dysfunctional red blood cells which leads to reduced oxygen flow to their body organs. If this condition doesn't get treated on time it can be serious and life threatening.

Types of Anemia

There are many types of Anemia each with it's own cause. Some are short-term and some are long term conditions. Such as,

 Aplastic anemia

Iron deficiency anemia

Sickle cell anemia


Vitamin deficiency anemia


The main cause behind Anemia depends on the type of Anemia one has and it's severity. Anemia can be caused by birth or it can be developed along with your age. It can be caused when your body doesn't create red blood cells and when your body destroys red blood cells. Often bleeding can also cause loss of red blood cells.

How do you know if you have Anemia ?

Some of the symptoms which cause Anemia are,

  • Pale and yellowish skin
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Increased rate of heartbeat
  • Weakness
  • Tiredness
  • Frequent headaches
  • Brittle nails

How to overcome Anemia ?

If you are suffering from anemia then self care is very important to overcome this condition. Every woman should make sure to take necessary precautions to avoid this health condition. Eating healthy food can boost your metabolism and keep you healthy. Some of the foods which can keep you away from Anemia are,

Leafy Vegetables

Leafy vegetables like spinach, Kale, chard, collard greens and Arugula are rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C. It is very important to eat leafy vegetables at least one meal a day to keep yourself healthy and to increase your  hemoglobin levels.


Quinoa is a gluten-free plant food rich in High protein, fiber, minerals, antioxidants and 9 essential amino acids which gives nutrition to your body. A cup of Quinoa contains about 5 grams more fiber than white rice. Quinoa is one the healthiest and nutritious foods on our planet.

It improves blood and cholesterol levels and also helps to reduce excess weight.


Lentils are high protein edible pulses from the legume family. They are easily cooked within 20 minutes. Brown, puy, red, green, yellow and black lentils have low calories but they are rich in iron, folate and a healthy source of Protein, Potassium and Carbohydrates . Lentils can be eaten everyday along with rice or roti.


Beans can be cooked in many different ways. They are rich in Fiber and Vitamin B with adequate health benefits including reducing cholesterol and decreasing sugar levels.  Chickpeas, peas, kidney beans, black beans, soybeans, pinto beans and navy beans boosts your body with high protein and minerals.

Orange Juice

Orange juice has high concentration of Vitamin C. It comes in different varieties like Blood orange, tangerine, clementine, naval orange and valencia orange. Consumption of orange juice increases your red blood cells and improves nutrition. Regular intake of orange juice keeps you healthy and energetic.

Dry fruits

Dry fruits are rich in Fibre, minerals, proteins and vitamins and delicious in taste. They can be taken everyday before starting the day. Peanuts, peaches, pistachios,

walnuts, roasted almonds, cashews, dates, hazelnuts boosts your metabolism and helps to maintain the right weight. It enhances your energy and stamina.

 You can also prevent Anemia if you avoid drinking coffee and tea, reduce your stress, take breaks between your work, maintain a proper sleep cycle and make sure you exercise daily.

Supplements :

If you have any symptoms of anemia, you can try Oraah protein powder to boost your metabolism. Oraah protein powder meets 30% of a woman’s nutritional needs with micro nutrients required for women to keep them healthy everyday.


 Oraah protein powder is safe and loved by most women. Oraah wishes all the women a healthy and a happy life !

  -Queeny Yalangi

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