green tea

Green Tea and Weight Loss: Does It Really Work?

Pradyumn Kanyadhara
Green Tea and Weight Loss: Does It Really Work? Green Tea and Weight Loss: Does It Really Work?

Green tea is made from Camellia sinensis leaves which began in China. Green tea is known to be extremely healthy as compared to other tea leaves because of the two main factors unique to green tea which are catechins and theanine. A 2010 study published in the National Library of Medicine set up that green tea catechins are salutary to treat metabolic runs similar to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and indeed cardiovascular threat factors.  piecemeal from being suitable to fight off certain conditions, green tea is a catholicon for people on their weight-loss trip. 

Green tea is a low-calorie libation as it doesn’t use any milk or sugar like other potables and also green tea leaves have Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) which increases your metabolism and helps you burn fat briskly.  Brewing a mug of green tea is easier than making chai or coffee  

Still, it’s green tea! It has a wealth of health advantages for people because it's packed with antioxidants and other nutrients. If there’s one libation known to help people lose weight. But do you know what it can do if you consume it after a drill? Let's get to know the benefits of green tea.  

It's important to note that any benefits of green tea for weight loss are likely to be veritably small. The impact of green tea isn't as salutary as other healthy weight loss styles, similar to exercise, that have far lesser metabolic benefits.  Regularly exercising and eating a healthy diet with plenty of vegetables are largely effective weight loss strategies. Green tea used alongside these styles may increase their positive results.   


What’s the connection between green tea and weight loss? 

Green tea is one of the most salutary beverages out there as it's loaded with antioxidants and various plant composites which are extremely beneficial for health. But did you know that this beverage can also help you in losing weight?   


  1. Improves metabolism: Green tea has Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) which helps in adding metabolism which further helps in fat burning after a drill.  
  2. It has a comforting effect: It's also considered a good after-workout beverage for its comforting effect. It'll decelerate your heart rate which makes it a good after-drill drink.  
  1. Green tea is a low-calorie beverage: Fitness-conscious people are generally conscious about the diet they take. They can go for green tea as it's a sugar-free libation.  
  1. Antioxidant parcels: It'll help you in fighting exercise - convinced free revolutionaries and therefore, it'll cover you from reducing inflammation and muscle soreness.  
  1. Lowers your cholesterol: Catechins are a type of antioxidant that is set up in green tea, which helps in lowering cholesterol situations in your body. 



Refrain from consuming green tea during these 4 times  

  1. Before bedtime: If you struggle with sleeping issues, avoid drinking it before bedtime or around bedtime. It has caffeine and can disturb your circadian metre. 
  1. In the morning: You shouldn't drink green tea first thing in the morning. Drinking it on an empty stomach can spark gastric issues.  
  1. After your meal: Although green tea improves digestion, drinking it after your meal can reduce the absorption of nutrients from the meal. 
  1. Right after consuming drugs: Avoid drinking it after consuming the drug as it can be dangerous.   


Drinking between 2 and 3 cups of hot green tea throughout the day should be sufficient for supplementing weight loss. The exact quantum will vary from person to person, depending on how important caffeine they consume and their natural metabolism.  Green tea comes in a number of kinds but, for weight loss, there are doubtful to be significant differences between them. Plain, minimally processed green teas are likely to have retained the richest nutritive content.  Green tea is considered safe to consume. However, care should be taken in some cases, as large doses of caffeine can pose problems for those at threat of heart problems or with high blood pressure.  

 Other Health Benefits 

 Green tea contains a range of different composites, including

  • B vitamins  
  • Folate  
  • Magnesium 
  • Flavonoids  
  • other antioxidants 


 It has been associated with several health benefits, including   

  • reducing cholesterol 
  • perfecting heart performing 
  • reducing Alzheimer’s complaint threat 
  • managing type 2 diabetes 
  • having anti-cancer parcels 



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